The purpose of Christian education is to tell God’s story about living in His Kingdom, and preparing hearts, hands and minds for service.
Learning how to defend our faith and effectively share the Gospel is what will allow people to change the world through Christ.
Praise the Lord
Welcome to the IABC Directors’ Workshop -2023
Dallas Texas
I and Dean Dr. Janae Quezada and the entire Christian Education team hope you had a pleasant trip and found your accommodations ready.
This is our first training of this administration and we are very excited about what we will be sharing these next few days. Our academic motto is: “The most powerful means of transformation: Education” and this starts with us, may this workshop be the beginning of an apostolic academic cultural movement that blesses our entire Global Assembly, in the name of Jesus Christ.
If anything comes up that you need assistance with, please let us know, we are here to assist you in any way possible.
With great expectations,
Bishop Armando Tamez and Christian Education Team.
Paz de Cristo
Bienvenidos al Taller de Directores IABC •2023
Dallas Texas
Un servidor Obispo Armando Tamez y la Decana Dra. Janae Quezada junto a todo el equipo de Educación Cristiana esperamos que hayan tenido un viaje placentero y que hayan encontrado sus acomodaciones listas.
Es nuestra primera capacitación de esta administración y estamos muy emocionados de lo que estaremos compartiendo estos próximos días. Nuestro lema académico es: “El medio más poderoso de trasformación: La Educación” y esto inicia por nosotros, que este taller sea el inicio de un mover cultural académico apostólico que bendiga toda nuestra Asamblea Global, en el nombre de Cristo Jesús.
Si surgiera algo en que necesiten asistencia por favor comuníquenlo por favor, estamos para asistirlos en todo lo que sea posible.
Con grandes expectativas,
Obispo Armando Tamez y Equipo de Educación Cristiana.
What to expect…
This workshop is designed to help participants plan for a more effective and comprehensive discipleship-formation/Christian Education program in their churches.

Attendance, Punctuality, and Dress Code
Remember, this an investment of your time, energy and money. Be respectful and professional…be in the present.