Funding Homeschooling

Is Homeschooling Expensive?

Homeschooling can be a great option for families who want to provide their children with a personalized education. However, it’s important to be aware of the costs involved before you make the decision to homeschool.

The cost of homeschooling can vary depending on a number of factors, including the number of children you’re homeschooling, the age of your children, your curriculum choices, and your location. However, in general, homeschooling can be more affordable than traditional schooling.

Here are some of the costs you can expect to incur when homeschooling:

  • Curriculum: The cost of curriculum can vary depending on the type of curriculum you choose and the number of children you’re homeschooling. However, there are many affordable curriculum options available.
  • Books and supplies: You’ll need to purchase books and supplies for your children to use in their homeschooling studies. The cost of these materials can vary depending on the subjects your children are studying and the amount of materials you need.
  • Extracurricular activities: Homeschooling families often choose to participate in extracurricular activities, such as field trips, sports, and music lessons. The cost of extracurricular activities can vary depending on the activities you choose and the number of children you’re homeschooling.

In addition to these obvious costs, there are a few hidden costs to consider when homeschooling:

  • Gas money: If you plan on taking your children on field trips or to extracurricular activities, you’ll need to factor in the cost of gas.
  • Groceries: Homeschooled children may eat more snacks than children who attend traditional school. This can add to your grocery bill.
  • Supplies for science projects and crafts: Homeschooled children often do more science projects and crafts than children who attend traditional school. This can add to the cost of supplies.

Overall, the cost of homeschooling can be comparable to or even less than the cost of traditional schooling. However, it’s important to be aware of all the costs involved before you make the decision to homeschool.

Here are some tips for saving money on homeschooling:

  • Use your local library. Many libraries have a good selection of homeschooling materials, including books, curriculums, and even computers.
  • Attend used book sales and homeschool curriculum fairs. You can often find great deals on used homeschooling materials at these events.
  • Take advantage of free educational events and programs in your area. Many museums, parks, and other organizations offer free or low-cost educational programs for children.
  • Look for free or low-cost curriculum options. There are many free and low-cost homeschooling curriculums available online and in print.
  • Consider homeschooling co-ops. Homeschooling co-ops are a great way to save money on field trips, activities, and other expenses.
  • Claim state tax deductions or credits for homeschooling expenses. Many states offer tax deductions or credits for homeschooling expenses. You can find out more about these deductions and credits by contacting your state’s department of revenue.
  • Read homeschool curriculum reviews before purchasing. There are many homeschool curriculums available, and not all of them are created equal. It’s important to read homeschool curriculum reviews before you purchase one to make sure it’s a good fit for your child and your budget.
  • Take advantage of tax-free shopping days to purchase school supplies. Many states offer tax-free shopping days for back-to-school supplies. This is a great time to stock up on homeschool supplies without having to pay sales tax.
  • Be creative with your curriculum. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on curriculum to provide your child with a great education. There are many free and low-cost resources available online and in print.

By following these tips, you can save money on homeschooling without sacrificing your child’s education.

Cost of Homeschooling

The average cost of homeschooling one child per year can range from $700 to $1800. The specific costs will vary depending on a number of factors, including the curriculum you choose, the materials you need, and the extracurricular activities you participate in.

Here is a breakdown of the average costs for each category:

  • Curriculum: $350-$750
      • There are a variety of curriculum options available, from traditional textbooks to online programs. The cost of curriculum will vary depending on the type of curriculum you choose and the number of students you are homeschooling.
  • Materials: $150-$300
      • In addition to curriculum, you will also need to purchase a variety of materials, such as books, workbooks, and art supplies. The cost of materials will vary depending on the grade level of your child and the subjects they are studying.
  • Field Trips: $100-$250
      • Homeschooling families often take their children on field trips to museums, zoos, and other educational destinations. The cost of field trips will vary depending on the number of field trips you take and the destinations you choose.
  • Extracurriculars: $100-$500
  • Homeschooling families may also choose to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and dance. The cost of extracurriculars will vary depending on the activities you choose and the number of children you are homeschooling.

It is important to note that these are just average costs. The actual cost of homeschooling can vary significantly depending on your individual circumstances.

If you are on a tight budget, there are a number of ways to save money on homeschooling. You can use free or low-cost curriculum options, borrow materials from the library, and participate in free or low-cost field trips and extracurricular activities.

If you are willing to spend more money, you can choose more expensive curriculum options, purchase your own materials, and take your children on more expensive field trips and extracurricular activities.

The most important thing is to find a homeschooling option that fits your budget and your family’s needs.

Funding Homeschooling

The cost of homeschooling can vary, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are a few ways to plan and access funds available for homeschooling expenses. Here are some of the most common forms of funding:

State Grants

Many states offer grants to help homeschooling families offset the cost of education. The amount of funding available varies from state to state, so it’s important to do your research to see what’s available in your area.

Federal Funding

The U.S. Department of Education offers funding for homeschooling families through the Charter Schools Program. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a registered and accredited charter school. The amount of funding you receive will depend on the number of students enrolled in your school.

Public Funding

Some school districts offer public funding to homeschooling families. This funding can be used to purchase textbooks, curriculum materials, and other educational supplies. The amount of funding available varies from district to district, so it’s important to contact your local school district to see what’s available.

Use Public School Athletics to Get Money for Homeschooling

If your child is interested in participating in public school athletics, you can apply for a mini-grant to cover the cost of equipment and fees. These grants are often available through the school district or the local athletic association.


There are a number of organizations that provide resources for homeschooling families, including grants, scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance. The Coalition for Responsible Home Education is a good resource for finding grants and scholarships that are available in your state.

Gain Access to Donations

Public schools often receive donations of books, materials, and other educational supplies. You can contact your local school district to see if they have any donations that you can use for your homeschooling program. These donations can save you a lot of money on educational materials.

What People are Saying “Testimonials”

“I thank the Lord for my parents who took the time to homeschool me. I truly believe it was a huge part of my development and it protected me from so many of the ideologies I was surrounded by. Their dedication to my education shaped me and now as an individual in my professional career in Social Work I have reaped the benefits of their hard work.”

Becky Bermejo, M.A, , Surprise Apostolic Assembly

“Homeschooling has impacted our family in the best way possible. I am a momma to four kids,  two of our  boys ages five and seven are special needs. Roman (age 7) was born with Down Syndrome and later diagnosed being on the Autism spectrum. Samuel (age 5) was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum at age 2. Homeschooling has given our family the ability to teach on our time. As you can imagine life with two kids with special needs is very time consuming. My boys attend many therapies so teaching my children during down time during the weekend is perfect for our family. Also I get to teach my children first and foremost the word of God, which is our firm foundation.”

Gabriela Arce, Faith Tabernacle Church

“We homeschool our three children through classical conversations, a homeschool co-op. It’s been a blessing to have the freedom and options to raise our children according to our values and to be a part of a community where we feel supported as parents and our children get to socialize in a safe environment with like minded friends.”

Eric & Maria Fernanda Zuniga, New Life Church